Articles Uskonnontutkija puutarhassa: Espanjansiruetana, elämänasennot ja uusintava ulossulkemisen etiikkaThe Push Away From Religion and the Pull Towards SecularityThe Beliefs of Nonbelievers: Exclusive Empiricism and Mortal Finitude Among Atheists and Agnostics“I Know That Goes Against My Religion”: Explaining Intrafaith Religious Dissent in Latter-Day Saint Views on Abortion and Religious ReflexivityMormons Are No Longer a Majority in Utah: Causes, Consequences, and Implications for the Sociology of ReligionUsing a Smart Phone to Learn Spanish: Does it help and will students use it?Not Before Jesus Comes, If Ever: Mormon Views on When Women Will Receive the Priesthood“I Don’t Think It Ought To Be Blasphemy: Transing God(s) and Postlife GenderOutcast Women: Gender and Authenticity in Ex-Mormon Women’s Disaffiliation NarrativesAn Examination of Attitudes Toward Bisexual People at the Intersections of Gender and Race/EthnicityDoes Interfaith Programming on College Campuses Influence Attitudes Toward Religious Minorities?: A Case StudyKnowledge and perceptions of the genetic counseling profession among a national cross-sectional sample of U.S. adultsNothing Is Not Something: On Replacing Nonreligion with IdentitiesReligious Exiting and Social Networks: Computer Simulations of Religious/Secular PluralismWith a little help from my (Canadian) friends: Health differences between minimal and maximal religiosity/spirituality are partially mediated by social supportWords of Wisdom: New Generations and New ChallengesResponse to “Masturbation: Scientific Evidence and Islam’s View”Questions You Should Never Ask an Atheist: Towards Better Measures of Nonreligion and SecularityValid assessment of spiritual quality of life with the WHOQOL-SRPB BREF across religious, spiritual, and secular persons: A psychometric studyMapping Religion’s Other: A Review of the Study of Nonreligion and SecularityDaily spiritual experiences and well-being among the nonreligious, spiritual, and religious: A bifactor analysisSunday Football or Church? A Case Study in Substitutes and ComplementsIncorporating Transgender Experience Toward a More Inclusive Gender Lens in the Sociology of ReligionThe Limits of Homonormativity: Constructions of Bisexual and Transgender People in the Post Gay EraReligious/Secular Distance: How far apart are teenagers and their parents?Complicating Marginalisation: The Case of Mormon and Nonreligious College Students in a Predominantly Mormon Context‘Oh My God, I Sound Like a Horrible Person’: Contemporary Christians and the Conditional Acceptance of Sexual and Gender DiversityLosing Manhood Like a Man: A Collaborative Autoethnographic Examination of Masculinities and the Experience of a Vasectomy‘Men Never Cry’: Teaching Mormon Manhood in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsNo One Expects a Transgender Jew: Religious, Sexual and Gendered Intersections in the Evaluation of Religious and Nonreligious OthersHelping Quantitative Sociology Come Out of the Closet“Be Prepared if I Bring It Up:” Patients’ Perceptions of the Utility of Religious and Spiritual Discussion During Genetic CounselingPerceived Marginalization, Educational Contexts, and (Non)Religious Educational ExperienceAn Interactionist Approach to the Social Construction of DeitiesI Think Some People Need Religion: The Social Construction of Nonreligious Moral Identities“I Found God in The Glory Hole”: The Moral Career of a Gay ChristianDo Religiosity and Spirituality Really Matter for Social, Mental, and Physical Health?: A Tale of Two Samples‘Can’t Put My Finger on It’: A Research Report on the Non-Existence and Meaninglessness of SinPredictors of opposition to and support for the ordination of women: insights from the LDS Church“How Low Can Humans Plunge!”: Facilitating Moral Opposition in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsGod May Save Your Life, but You Have to Find Your Own Keys: Religious Attributions, Secular Attributions, and Religious PrimingIncreasing Sex Ratio Imbalance Among Utah Mormons: Sources and ImplicationsFrom Sodomy to Sympathy: LDS Elites’ Discursive Construction of Homosexuality Over TimeContemporary Religion and the Cisgendering of RealitySimple Markov Model for Estimating the Growth of Nonreligion in the United StatesAtheism Looking In: On the Goals and Strategies of Organized Nonbelief‘Don’t push your immorals on me’: Encouraging anti-porn advocacy in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsThe Nonreligious-Nonspiritual Scale (NRNSS): Measuring Everyone from Atheists to Zionists“Avoid that pornographic playground”: Teaching pornographic abstinence in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints‘‘I Don’t Need a Shotgun, Just a Look’’: Representing Manhood in Secular and Religious MagazinesMen Who Hold More Egalitarian Attitudes Toward Women Working Outside the Home in the US: Who Are They?The Last Bastion of Sexual and Gender Prejudice? Sexualities, Race, Gender, Religiosity, and Spirituality in the Examination of Prejudice Toward Sexual and Gender MinoritiesThe Hallmarks of Righteous Women: Gendered Background Expectations in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsChapel Use on College and University Campuses“Why Would Our Heavenly Father Do that to Anyone”: Oppressive Othering through Sexual Classification Schemes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsMeasuring Spiritual Fitness: Atheist Military Personnel, Veterans, and CiviliansMormon Religiosity and the Legacy of “Gathering”Whom Do People Dislike More: Atheists or Cultists?Forms, Frequency, and Correlates of Perceived Anti-Atheist DiscriminationComparing the Geographic Distributions and Growth of Mormons, Adventists, and WitnessesOn the Receiving End: Discrimination Toward the Non-Religious‘One Person’s Apostate is Another Person’s Convert’: Reflections on Pro-Religion Hegemony in the Sociology of ReligionExtending Religion-Health Research to Nontheistic Minorities: Issues and ConcernsThe Secular Transition: The Worldwide Growth of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Seventh-day AdventistsReligious orientation, religious affiliation, and boundary maintenance: The case of polygamyHomosexuality in Popular Secular and Religious MagazinesGenetic Counselors’ Religiosity & Spirituality: Are Genetic Counselors Different from the General Population?Views on Abortion: A Comparison of Female Genetic Counselors and the General PopulationFighting Over Mormon: Media Coverage of the FLDS and LDS Churches 69